Options for Earning College Credit


Articulation is a process by which students may earn college credits for certain courses they take in high school after completing them at specific colleges where Rockford has established an Articulation Agreement. Rockford currently has agreements with Davenport, Central Michigan University, Ferris State University, Baker College and Grand Valley State University.

  • Application is to be completed once student enrolls in the university. Students contact their counselor at Rockford High School to complete the Articulation Application.
  • The college or university may require a 3.0 or higher in order for the student to earn the articulated class/credit.

Advanced Placement Classes

  • While taking AP classes does not guarantee college credit at universities, students prepare through these year-long classes to take the AP exam in May. Typically, a score of 3, 4 or 5 earns the student college credit.
    These exams cost approximately $94 each.
  • Each college is different in the amount of credit it awards. For this specific information, students should check the college/university website. Typically, this information can be found by searching “AP credit” on their websites.
  • Details of AP courses at RHS: These classes are averaged out of 5.0, instead of 4.0, in student GPAs. We currently offer 19 AP courses: US History, Economics, US Government, Psychology, English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Statistics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Spanish, German, Computer Science Principles, Computer Science A, Physics C, Seminar and Art.


Dual Enrollment

  • RHS students are enrolled as high school students while at the same time being enrolled at a local college taking a college course. These classes are taken in place of Rockford classes and are usually on the college campus.
  • Students earn dual credit – they begin their permanent college transcript by earning a college grade and GPA. They also are awarded that same grade or given the option to earn credit (CR) on their high school transcript.
  • Some guidelines for dual enrollment: Purpose is to provide an educational option that makes sense for the student, must be coursework we do not offer (including AP and online options), cannot be a hobby, craft, recreational, or religious course (often will be an area of career interest).
  • Both the student and the class must meet eligibility criteria set by State of Michigan.


Addressing some confusing terminology

  • Both Dual Enrollment and Early College opportunities result in college credit once the class is successfully completed.
  • Early College classes are taught at RHS, usually by RHS staff, during the school day. Dual Enrollment classes are taught on the college campus and taught by college faculty.
  • Early College is funded completely through RHS. Dual Enrollment is not always 100% funded. Many times, parents will be expected to pay a remaining balance for tuition, books, and fees.
  • Dual Enrollment registration is facilitated by the parents and students and can be with numerous different institutions. Early College opportunities are offered through FSU and GVSU at this time, and the process is handled at RHS by counseling staff.


GVSU Offerings:

  • Student eligibility criteria: seniors only, GPA 3.0+, must meet standardized testing benchmarks, must have completed at least two trimesters of Honors Physiology, and have the recommendation of their RHS Honors Physiology instructor.
  • AHS (Allied Health Sciences) 100 Medical Terminology (3 credits) and AHS 110 Introduction to Health Care (3 credits) EDF 115 and HST 209


FSU Offerings:

  • Student eligibility criteria:
    GPA: Seniors w/ GPA 3.0+, Sophomores and Juniors w/ GPA 3.25+.
    Testing: Students must meet standardized testing benchmarks.
  • FSU Courses run Concurrently with these RHS Courses:
    ENGL 150 (AP Language, Senior Comp) (3 credits)
    LITR 150 (AP Literature) (3 credits)
  • FSU Early College online electives: