Outdoor Learning
Rockford Public Schools is proud to announce a new outdoor learning program at Edgerton Trails Elementary for incoming 4th grade students in the district. The program will include all RPS curriculum components while incorporating project based learning in an outdoor setting. This unique opportunity is for students that enjoy being outside, are inquisitive and self directed learners.
The program will be taught by a RPS certified staff member.
Characteristics of an outdoor learning student
Genuine interest and experiences with the outdoors
Can work both independently and collaboratively
Has an intrinsic motivation when it comes to learning, school work and responsibility
Positive attendance record
Positive behaviors
April: Application Process Opens
April: Student Interviews
May: Lottery
May: Acceptance Letters
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What grades are part of the outdoor learning program?
Students will enter the program as 4th graders and spend two years in outdoor education. Moving to middle school in 6th grade.
Q: What is Outdoor Education?
Outdoor education is a philosophy of embracing and experiencing the outdoors. Students participate in a variety of outdoor learning experiences while accessing the RPS curriculum.
Q: Where will the program be located?
At Edgerton Trails Elementary School inside the school and at the Outdoor Learning property behind the school.
Q: What is the application and selection process:
Students must be a current RPS student in the 3rd grade
Interested families must fill out and complete an online application
Classroom teachers will complete a recommendation form.
Student interview
Students that meet the criteria will be entered into the lottery
Q: How many students will be admitted?
26 students will be selected through a lottery system to be in the inaugural 4th grade class starting in the 2025-26 school year.
Q: Is there a waitlist?
There will be a waitlist. If any of the 26 lottery students decline, the next student will be invited to enter the program.
Q: What is the curriculum?
Students receive district aligned curriculum along with project based outdoor learning opportunities.
Q: How much time do students spend outside?
This depends on a variety of factors. However, students will spend 50-70% of the school year outside.
Q: What happens in 5th grade?
We plan to add a 5th grade section of outdoor learning in 2026-27. Students would remain with their peers and continue outdoor education for their fifth grade year. Students would transition to their assigned middle school in 6th grade.
Q: Does the district provide transportation to and from the Outdoor Education Program?
Limited morning transportation at designated shuttle locations. Students using the morning shuttle will arrive approximately 10 minutes after the start of the school day
No RPS transportation will be available at the end of the day. Parents/guardians will be asked to pick up their student(s) at Edgerton Elementary Elementary.