Middle School Athletics

Rockford Public Schools offers a variety of educational athletic opportunities for 6th, 7th & 8th grade students. We take great pride in our commitment to excellence both in the classrooms and on the field!

Spring Sports Pictures

ERMS Track and Field ➡️ Friday, April 25 at 2:45 pm

ERMS Girls Tennis ➡️ Tuesday, April 15 at 2:45 pm

NRMS Track and Field ➡️ Thursday, April 24 at 2:45 pm

NRMS Girls Tennis ➡️ Monday, April 21 at 2:45 pm

Spring Sports Info

Spring Sports begin March 17. See below for school details and coaches information.

Boys Volleyball

7th and 8th grade students from ERMS and NRMS will join together for a fun and new opportunity to play boys volleyball against local schools. Tryouts will take place March 24-25, with practice after school daily at NRMS starting March 24. Games are on Mondays and Wednesdays after spring break until mid-May. Register and upload your physical on Aktivate (RegisterMyAthlete.com).

Reach out to Athletic Director, Jen Domagalski, with any questions.

MS Athletics Calendar

MS Athletics Calendar
Last Month Previous March 2025 Next Next Month
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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Upcoming Events

Rockford Public Schools, in accordance with MHSAA policy, require all athletes to have a physical on file before a student may try out or participate in a sport. You may pick up a physical form in the main office or download the MHSAA Physical Form. Parents will register their children for athletics using Aktivate - Register my Athlete. You must upload a current completed physical form, with the physician’s approval, on Register My Athlete prior to tryouts or participation.

Starting in the 2024-2025 school year, each student must pay the pay-to-participate fees as follows:

  • Middle School – $48.00 per sport
    Family Maximum – $175.00 per family (includes high school and middle school student-athletes)

An athlete must pass at least five classes with a minimum of four C-’s. Ineligible students will serve a two-week period of athletic ineligibility. If grades have met the standards, the athlete will then be allowed to compete. If the athlete has not attained minimum standards after the initial two-week period, grades will be checked on a weekly basis thereafter to determine eligibility/ineligibility. If ineligibility takes place during the in-season, the athlete must still attend all practices and team functions per the coaching staff.

Registration & Practice Information

Practices generally take place after school at 2:45 pm. The coach will provide you with a practice and game schedule. Athletic events generally start at or around 4:00 pm.

Athletes are required to follow Rockford’s Athletic Training Code. 

Athletic Code of Conduct

Parents and students must read this information and contact the office with questions or concerns in regard to either the training code or the Athletic Discipline Policy. Registrations must be completed using Aktivate - Register my Athlete prior to tryouts or practice.

Information is listed below pertaining to sports offered at Rockford Middle Schools.

Fall Sports 

August through Mid-October

  • Boys Tennis: Grades 7-8, No tryout required
  • Co-Ed Cross Country: Grades 6-8, No tryout required
  • Football: Grades 7-8, No tryout required
  • Sideline Cheer: Grades 7-8, No tryout required
  • Volleyball: Grades 7-8, Tryout required

Winter 1 Sports

Mid-October through Christmas Break

  • Boys Basketball: Grades 7-8; Tryout required
  • Competitive Cheer: Grades 7-8; Tryout required
  • Girls Swim and Dive: Grades 7-8; No tryout required

Winter 2 Sports

January through Beginning of March

  • Boys Swim and Dive: Grades 7-8; No tryout required
  • Girls Basketball: Grades 7-8; Tryout required
  • Wrestling: Grades 6-8; Tryout required

Spring Sports

Mid-March through End of May

  • Co-Ed Track and Field: Grades 6-8; No tryout required
  • Girls Tennis: Grades 7-8; No tryout required

Schedules, Rosters & Team Information

Visit RockfordRams.org for complete middle school and high school schedules, rosters, and team information

East Rockford Middle School

8615 Nine Mile Road Rockford, MI 49341
Phone: 616-863-6140 Fax: 616-863-6565

North Rockford Middle School

397 E. Division Rockford, MI 49341
Phone: 616-863-6300 Fax: 616-866-5998

MS Athletics

Jennifer Domagalski
Middle School Athletic Director & Activities Coordinator
Jody Kelley
ERMS Administrative Assistant
Kara Dault
NRMS Administrative Assistant