Facility Use with Food Application

Please complete the form below to request a location/time for your event. Allow no less than 10 days prior to the date of the requested event. Please allow 48 hours for a confirmation. 

Questions can be sent to Jason VanderLaan at JVanderLaan@rockfordschools.org 

Facility Use Request

Group Level
The undersigned is at least 21 years of age. He/She agrees to be responsible to the Board of Education for the use and care of school property and will be responsible for complete supervision of all parties participating in this activity. It is further agreed that the character of entertainment/meeting will conform with the rules governing the use of Rockford Public Schools. The applicant agrees to hold harmless the District and its agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses including attorneys fees arising out of or resulting from applicant’s use of District facilities.
Food Services
If your event will have food served, please check all boxes that apply:
Is Your Food Being Catered?
Attach copy of Michigan Mobile Food License Attach copy of insurance certificates naming RPS as an additional insured.
Filename Size Status
Submit completed form no later than 10 days prior to the date of the requested event