Food Service
Free & Reduced Lunch
It's more than the form...
We strongly encourage all parents/guardians to return their Education Benefits Form. Completing this form takes less than 5 minutes and can help students receive important resources. EVERY FORM COUNTS! Every application that is not submitted means lost educational programs and resources for our students. Filling out the Education Benefits Form may help provide:
- Health & Wellness Services
- Before and After School Academic & Enrichment Programs
- Guidance & College Counselors
- Fee Waivers for College Applications & Admissions Tests
- Resources for Classrooms, Teachers & Children
Meals Cost
Children need healthy meals to learn. Rockford Public Schools offers healthy meals every school day.
Breakfast Costs
- $0.00 - Elementary
- $0.00 - Secondary
Lunch Costs
- $0.00 - Elementary
- $0.00 - Secondary
Free or Reduced Cost
This school year, students are able to receive one breakfast and one lunch per day at no cost. Meals include three out of five food groups to qualify. Second meals and ala carte items are available for purchase.