
Under the McKinney-Vento Act, children and youth experiencing homelessness or living in transitional housing situations are guaranteed specific rights to ensure they have access to a free and appropriate public education. These rights include:

  1. Right to Attend School: Children can go to school regardless of their living situation or how long they have lived in that situation. The Act ensures that education is accessible to children experiencing homelessness without discrimination or barriers due to their housing status.
  2. School Choice: They can attend either the local school (the school in the area where they currently reside) or the school of origin (the school the child attended when permanently housed or the school the child was last enrolled in). This decision is made based on the child’s best interest, ensuring continuity of education and minimizing disruptions.
  3. Immediate Enrollment: Children can enroll in school immediately, even if they are missing documents typically required for enrollment, such as birth certificates, proof of residence, school records, or immunization records. This provision removes barriers that might otherwise prevent timely school enrollment.
  4. Full Participation in School Activities: While the school works to gather necessary records, children have the right to participate fully in school classes, activities, and events, ensuring that they are not excluded from any educational opportunities.
  5. Access to Programs and Services: Children in transitional housing situations must have access to the same educational programs and services available to all other students, including transportation, supplemental educational services (such as tutoring or special education), and extracurricular activities.
  6. Non-Segregation: Schools cannot segregate children experiencing homelessness or transitional housing. These students must be educated alongside their peers who are not experiencing homelessness, ensuring that they have equal educational opportunities without stigma or discrimination.

Rockford Public Schools is committed to minimizing educational disruptions and supporting the academic success and stability of children who are homeless or in transitional housing.

National Center for Homeless EducationNCHE Fact Sheet Family Resource Guide Kent County

Larinda Fase
Rockford Public Schools McKinney-Vento Liaison