KISD Collaborative Schools of Choice Program

Rockford Public Schools participates in the Kent Intermediate School District’s Schools of Choice Program. This plan is open to all families residing within one of the 20 Kent ISD Intermediate School Districts. 

2025-26 School Year
Application Period: April 14 – May 16, 2025
Lottery (If needed): May 19, 2025
Acceptance Notification Date: May 28, 2025

One application per student may be submitted to one school district per year, however, you may indicate a second and third choice on your application.  If you apply to more than one district, you may be disqualified for all districts for that year.

If more applications are received in a district than openings are available, there will be a random lottery drawing for all applications received prior to the deadline. If you’re not accepted into your first district of choice, that district will automatically forward your application to your second and/or third choice districts. Waiting lists will be created at choice districts after lottery/random draw and parents will be notified if space becomes available.

Special education students wishing to enroll for whom a written cooperative agreement regarding costs cannot be obtained with their district of residence will be refused Schools of Choice.

You MUST be physically residing at the address which qualifies you for Schools of Choice at the time of application.

Siblings of students currently attending under the Schools of Choice Program will be given priority when approving applications.

Schools of Choice students must provide their own transportation.

Enrollment may be denied to students who have been suspended within the preceding two years, have ever been expelled, or have been convicted of a felony.

Once accepted into the program, you are approved until graduation or until you withdraw from Rockford Public Schools as long as you reside within one of the 20 Kent ISD School Districts and space remains available.

Please be aware that all Schools of Choice communication will be sent out via email.  Make sure to check your spam/junk folder.

Questions regarding MHSAA Athletic Eligibility should be directed to the Rockford Public Schools Athletic Department at 616.863.6040.

If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to Jodi Nester at 616.863.6557 or

Kent ISD Schools of Choice Brochure - English

Kent ISD Schools of Choice Brochure - Spanish