Collaborative Culture

Pillar 4

Collective values, norms, beliefs, and behaviors that shape interactions and practices to influence overall educational outcomes positively.

Purpose: Rockford Public Schools will have a respectful, collaborative culture where every member feels valued and empowered. Our work together will focus on our shared commitment to student success and common goals.

Reason: A collaborative culture empowers individuals to collectively achieve more than they could alone. Collaboration cultivates a sense of shared ownership, encouraging stakeholders to identify common goals and work to improve solutions. This inclusive approach promotes innovation and creativity. Prioritizing collaboration improves communication, strengthens teamwork, and builds a strong sense of community.

4.A.1 Professional Learning

  • Collaborate with leadership of all staff groups to understand growth areas and embed professional learning into the yearly district calendar.

4.A.2 Staff Wellness

  • Survey staff needs and explore wellness programs to promote mental and physical wellness.

4.A.3 Competitive Staff Compensation Schedule

  • Gather data about other school districts’ staff compensation schedules and prioritize decision-making to pay our staff competitively.

4.A.4 Opportunity for Advancement

  • Develop new pathways for staff to obtain additional certifications, advanced degrees, or leadership roles.

4.B.1 Consistent Communication

  • Enhance and streamline the district website, social media, and communication entities to improve access to school information.
  • Engage in timely and relevant communication with community stakeholders.

4.B.2 Enhanced Family Relationships

  • Develop resources to promote family engagement in school and community events.
  • Provide staff professional development opportunities to build capacity with family engagement.

4.B.3 Leadership Influence

  • Grow and foster community partnerships with community organizations, businesses, and institutes of higher education.
  • Engage in regular conversation with parents, students, staff, and local leaders to strengthen understanding and action around community values.
  • Build partnerships with professional organizations at the local, state, and national levels to advance innovative thought and stay current in the field of education.

4.B.4 Robust Community Engagement

  • Encourage and support the use of school volunteers and family participation in school district events.
  • Expand community partner engagement in district initiatives.

4.C.1 Welcoming Environments

  • Build the capacity of all staff to implement affirming and welcoming language for all.
  • Train staff in trauma-informed practices.
  • Provide safe and culturally responsive environments that value and celebrate the diversity of our community.

4.C.2 Supporting All Learners

  • Increase staff awareness and capacity to support students from underrepresented and historically marginalized groups.
  • Devote professional learning to understanding how to meet the needs of diverse populations.

4.C.3 Honoring Perspectives

  • Engage students in regular, inclusive events that highlight global perspectives and represent diversity in our school community.
  • Increase the percentage of students and parents responding to district surveys.