March 4, 2025

Parkside Discussion

Parkside Discussion:

Questions about the Budget

This document is intended to answer questions that have arisen as we have begun a conversation about repurposing Parkside Elementary to an Early Childhood Center.

Budget questions answered: 

Revenue is generated by the fee-based programs of preschool and childcare.  The revenue is used to pay for the preschool and childcare staff wages and benefits. 

  • Wages and Benefits for existing teachers and paras currently at Parkside Elementary will remain consistent.  The current staff at Parkside Elementary will be placed in other buildings in our district. 
  • There is no change in operating costs to run existing buildings. 

The Capital expenditures can be paid for out of existing and/or future bond proceeds. 

  • The 2019 Bond is authorized to cover capital expenditures for Parkside and Preschool/Childcare buildings. 
  • Potential Future Bond Projects can include more specific capital enhancements to further reimagine the Parkside building from an Elementary to an Early Childhood Center. 


The Early Childhood program is one of several childcare programs that our district provides to the community including Summer Care and Before and After Care.  The combination of all these programs together creates a slight revenue stream for the district. (In other words, the childcare department as a whole creates revenue- not a deficit.)