Lissa Weidenfeller - Principal

Jesús Santillan- Assistant Principal

Jennifer Domagalski-Athletic Director/Student Activities

Address: 397 E Division Rockford, MI 49341


Phone: (616) 863-6300

NRMS Google Calendar

Meet Mr Matt

Matt Grady, also known as "Mr. Matt," is part of our security team. He enjoys hobbies like watching movies, reading, and traveling, with Germany being the coolest place he's visited. He has worked in the district for two years at the high school and although he doesn't have any pets of his own, he pet-sits his brother's two Australian Shepherds and a black lab. Matt attended NRMS and graduated from RHS in 2010 before continuing his education at Aquinas College. While at Aquinas, he worked as a student security officer and later became a full-time security officer, holding that position for 12 years. Matt is passionate about helping people and encourages everyone to never hesitate to ask for help. A big Michigan football fan, Matt loves the sport and follows the team closely.

Upcoming Early Release Days

February 26th

March 12th

March 26th

Important dates

March 5th: PAC Meeting

March 17th: Tri 2 Report Cards

April 3rd- April 11th: Spring Break

Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting

March 5th, 2025

9:00 am Virtual

save the date for the taste!

The Rockford Education Foundation is hosting their annual spring gala – The Taste. This event highlights the great work that the Rockford Education Foundation does as a partner with our district. If you can participate in this event on March 6, we would encourage you to make your plans now. Information can be found on the Rockford Education Foundation website: Home : Rockford Education Foundation

cold and flu season guide

As many of you are already aware, there has been an increase of illness in our community. To help prevent the spread of illness, including influenza, we would like to partner with you. Please remind your children to wash their hands frequently and cover their mouths when coughing. The question frequently comes up of when to keep a child home from school.  Listed below are guidelines for the Rockford Public Schools.

A child should stay home from school and their physician should be consulted if he/she has any of the following symptoms:

  • A temperature of 100.4 or greater
  • Green or yellow discharge from nose or eyes
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Cough or sore throat lasting longer than two days
  • Rashes or eruptions
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Any other medical concern

Students should remain at home until symptom or fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication. If a physician has seen a student and they have been deemed not contagious, a physician’s note must be provided to the school indicating such in order for the student to return to class. As always, the best way to reduce your and your student’s risk of infection is to practice good hand hygiene.


Order Here

PaperGator recycling bins accept many types of paper products, including:

  • NewspapersNewsprint
  • MagazinesCatalogs and magazines
  • BooksHard and soft cover books
  • Junk mailUnsorted mail
  • Office and school paperNotebooks, workbooks, and other paper
  • PaperboardCereal boxes and other paperboard
  • CardboardPieces 12 in x 12 in or smaller
  • Shredded paperBagged in clear plastic
  • Wrapping paperWithout foil or sparkles
  • Staples and paper clipsStandard staples and paper clips, including magazine staples

Please drop off in the West parking lot near the loading dock. 


If you choose to drop your child off and/or pick your child up from NRMS, you are required to use the Lincoln Street Entrance. This is the entrance used to access the student drop-off zone and athletic parking lot.


7:10 am to 7:35 am

  • Doors will open at 7:10 am
  • Breakfast is available starting at 7:10 am
  • Student hallways open at 7:25 am
  • School starts at 7:40 am


  • School dismisses at 2:30 pm
  • Students should be picked up prior to 3:00 pm unless they are in athletics, attending a club, or with a teacher.

Lost & Found...Please Label Everything

The winter weather is here, and students are dressing in layers, which means our lost and found will be growing. To avoid your students clothing from going into the lost and found PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING!!! Label all coats, boots, mittens, hats, water bottles, etc. You can label the item's with last name, full name, etc. 

My Ride k-12

Transportation Update

Dear Rockford Community:

We are pleased to introduce you to My Ride K-12, a mobile app where you can access your student’s secure data at the touch of a button.  Access to real-time data helps your student to be at the right place at the right time.

My Ride K-12 capabilities include the following:

  • Stop location, assigned route, and scheduled pick up time
  • GPS geolocation push notifications, giving estimated time of bus arrival and information concerning bus status changes
  • Real time communication and messaging
  • Secure and confidential log in
  • Android/iOS app and Web Version available

The app is available for up to four users per student.  If you would like to opt out of this platform, please contact transportation to have My Ride K-12 disabled for your student.  

To access My Ride K-12 for your student, you will need to complete the set up by following the directions included in the Parent User Guide.  Users will need their student’s ID number and Last name to link to their student.  Please follow the Parent User Guide for instructions on how to access and use the app and Web Version.  Please allow your phone to send notifications from this app and remain logged in to receive district notifications.

We trust this will be a helpful tool for you!   Should you have any questions or concerns or would like to limit or remove access for your student on My Ride K-12, please contact the transportation department at 616-863-6328.

Rockford Public Schools

Transportation Department

attendance at nrms

Policy for picking up your student DURING the school day:

Please have your student come to the main office to pick up their pass when they arrive at school in the morning. A note stating the time they need to leave is helpful in case they forget the time they are leaving. This policy is to discourage calling into classrooms and interrupting teacher instruction. When you arrive to pick up your student please wait in the vestibule for them and sign them out on our sign out sheet.

If your student is sick or unable to attend school for the whole day please leave a message on our attendance line 616-863-6300 stating the reason for the absence. Please spell your students first and last name.

"Strive for less than 5"

Cellphone or Watch Communications

Instructional time is for learning. With 1:1 computer access at school, cell phones no longer have a place in the classroom. Students are asked to leave phones (or similar devices) in their locked locker during instructional times.

Unless explicitly directed by a staff member, students are not permitted to use a phone (or similar device) during the instructional period. This policy extends to our hallways and common areas.

Parents/guardians who need to reach a student during an instructional period may call our main office at 616.863.6300 and we will ensure that the student receives the message. Thank you!

Winter Weather is Here!

Weather Alert

Please listen to one of the listed media stations for notice of cancellations and/or delays:

  • WOOD
  • WOTV
  • WLAV
  • WGRD
  • WMAX
  • WZZM

Or visit the district website:

Be sure to tune in on icy or snowy mornings!


SRO Scoop

If you drive your student to school, you may have noticed my vehicle parked at the gate near the drop off line this week. We are working to address traffic merging from the 10 Mile entrance cutting into the line. When dropping off your child in the morning and picking up in the afternoon, we continue to ask that you use the Lincoln St entrance. Dropping off or picking up your student in the front of the building causes traffic backups for the busses and creates traffic hazards for staff and visitors as they arrive. When letting your student out of the vehicle, please ensure you are pulling as far up as possible to accommodate as many vehicles at a time as possible.  This will help the line move smoothly and quickly. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. 

Rockford Department of Public Safety is hosting their annual Youth Night at MVP Sports Complex on Saturday February 22, 2025 from 5pm-7pm. The cost is $10 to register. Students in 5th-8th grade are invited to spend a night with local first responders playing basketball, dodgeball, volleyball, swimming, and pickleball (please bring your own equipment). Students who choose to use the pool must bring their own towels and suit. 
Students who register before February 13th will receive a T-Shirt for the event. 
The form and payment must be turned into Rockford Department of Public Safety, 7 S Monroe St, Rockford MI 49341. MVP and Rockford Public Schools cannot accept the forms/payment. Students may register on site the night of the event but must have a form signed by a parent/guardian prior to being allowed into the event. Students who register the night of will not receive a shirt. Parents/guardians must enter MVP at the conclusion of the event to pick up their children. 
Any questions can be directed to Ofc. Pam Downing, at, or by contacting RDPS at 616-866-9557. 

Counseling Corner

Mrs. Koops-Fikse and Mrs. Ohlman are here to support your child! If your child is in need of academic, social, or emotional support, please have them come to our office. We are also available by contacting (616) 863-6313.

We Need You!  We are looking for members of the NRMS community to be Career Speakers and share their experiences with our Middle School Students.  This commitment would involve 30 minutes of your time and could have a huge impact of the direction of a student's life.  Please sign up on the link provided and change a life! 

Career Speaker Sign Up Page

NRMS Counselors

Last Names A - L: Karla Koops-Fikse

Last Names M-Z: Angie Olhman

NRMS Counseling Dog


Library Loop


We want to take a moment to remind you about Chromebook care.  When we first issued devices to students years ago, we spent a lot of time reminding students of the ways to keep their Chromebook in good shape. Over time, we’ve gotten away from those reminders, but now that students are required to pay for damaged or lost devices, we want to remind you again:

  • We recommend that students keep their device in a case when it’s not in your backpack.  This provides extra protection in case of a drop.
  • Please have your child always carry your device with two hands.
  • Please remind your child not walk around the classroom or your home with your device open.  Close the screen so you can carry it properly with two hands.
  • Do not pop off keyboard keys as they will eventually not pop back on.

Do not touch another student’s device for any reason. You will be responsible for damage that results from an action you take, whether you meant to do the damage or not, so please be careful.

  • Broken Screen $30 
  • Broken Keyboard (missing keys, etc.) $30 
  • Damaged chassis/lost device $200 
  • Charger $15  

If you have any questions, please let us know. We appreciate your support!

Library FYI for families: If you receive a Thursday notification about lost or overdue book and have any questions, please encourage your student to come to the library and ask library staff OR login to their Destiny account in HelloID and see which books on their account need to be returned. If your family needs to pay for a book that was damaged or cannot be returned, your student should bring cash or a check (written to Rockford Public Schools) to the library. Library staff will update the student's account and print a receipt. 

Student Spotlight


GRASP is a correspondence program for students in Kindergarten through 8th grades which helps students maintain reading and math skills while they are on summer break.  Enrolled students will receive a packet of materials with a booklet containing nine lessons.  It should take your student approximately one hour to complete each weekly lesson.  They can complete one lesson a week or work at their own pace, as long as all lessons are submitted before August 8th.  The students can mail the lessons to GRASP for scoring and the results will be returned to them, via the email provided.  Or, new this year, lessons can be scored with a parent/guardian cell phone instead of mailing them in!  Details regarding this process will be sent in May to the email provided on the order.  There is also an on-line version of GRASP for students in 4th through 8th grade and these students will also receive results via the email provided.

Students who successfully complete and submit at least seven lessons with 70% accuracy are awarded a certificate.  Those who successfully complete and submit all nine lessons with 70% accuracy will receive a medal!  Certificates and medals will be distributed by your student’s school at the beginning of the next school year.  

Please order your student’s CURRENT grade level.  If there are extenuating circumstances, order the level that is appropriate for your student.  The fees for the summer of 2025 are $26 for one subject or $48 for both subjects for each student.  You can enroll your student for the book version (grades K-8) or the optional online version (grades 4-8) by completing the registration and payment online.  

School assistance program (SAP)


Helpful Links