Jeremy Karel - Principal

Address: 405 Summit Ave, Rockford, MI 49341

Phone: (616) 863-6366

A note from Mr. Karel

On behalf of Valley View, I'd like to wish you a happy new year.  It has been a great first week back from break. While Monday felt a bit abrupt, students are back in the grove and it's great to have our classrooms, hallways and playground full of learning and laughter.

Next week, students will participate in the mid-year NWEA assessment in reading and math.  We encourage students to try their best but to not stress.  Please encourage your student to try hard and show what they know.  This is a great opportunity for our teachers to take a look at where students are in their learning at the halfway point in the year.

Conferences are scheduled for February 25 and 27.  While this is a ways away, I wanted to let you know both nights will be in-person.  Sign-ups will be coming in a couple of weeks.  

As always, we thank you for your support and involvement.  

Dare Graduation

Congratulations to our 5th grade students on completing their DARE course!  The D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) teaches skills for resisting peer pressure, making responsible decisions, and leading healthy, drug-free lives. During the graduation, students often reflect on the lessons they've learned about the dangers of drug use and the importance of positive choices.  


Power, Purpose and Potential

For girls 3rd - 5th grade.  After school Mondays and Thursdays.

Program starts: Week of February 24th and the celebration 5K is May 17th.

Registration is still open and is $130.  Scholarships are available if needed.

To register visit: GOTR Registration

Order your yearbook today!

Click HERE to order your yearbook today!  Order deadline is April 4, 2025.  Yearbook ID code: 14568525.  Cost is $15.  Valley View will not be ordering any extra this year.  Don't miss out!

Winter Weather is Here!

Staying in for Recess?

 The recess period provides a change of pace, exercise and release of tension. If your child is well enough to come to school, we can assume he/she is well enough to go outside for recess. All children are expected to go outside unless the weather in not suitable. A written request from the parent asking that a child remain inside for recess will be honored one day at a time. Requests for extended periods inside may require a statement from your doctor. Children coming down with or having colds, sore throats, etc. and are unable to play outside should stay home from school.

Warm Clothing

We highly encourage all students to dress for the weather and wear the outer clothing that they brought to school. This includes hats, mittens, boots, snow pants, and coats. We ask that all students bring boots to school each day from Thanksgiving through Spring Break. Conditions change quickly and our playground often goes from muddy to snowy to just plain wet in a matter of hours.  Due to this, students will be removing their outdoor foot attire when they go into the classrooms. Therefore, all students must have a pair of shoes at school along with their boots.

Feel free to pack an extra pair of socks and sweatpants in your child's backpack during the winter months.  Don’t forget to put your child’s name on coats, snow pants, boots, etc. Thank you!

Weather Alert

For up-to-date information regarding Rockford Public Schools delays and/or closings, events and safety alerts, send a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our district’s short code number, 67587.

Opt out any time by simply replying to one of our messages with “Stop”.

Be sure to tune in on icy or snowy mornings!

School assistance program (SAP)

Access support today!

Say “I have an SAP with Rockford Public Schools” when you call 800.442.0809 and press “1.” Every RPS family member in your household is eligible. The Rockford Education Foundation (REF) has proudly partnered with Rockford Public Schools to provide expert counseling, therapy, and resources through Pine Rest’s School Assistance Program (SAP).

Confidential counseling services for all family members

  • The SAP includes three free confidential counseling sessions per episode of care.  All benefits are available to every member of the household.

Free online resources with personal advantage library

  • Access to a library of articles, videos, webinars, calculators, locators, assessments and trainings on personal finance, legal matters, health and wellness.

Free financial and legal consultations with wallet wisdom

  • Includes a financial recourse library of webinars, calculators and articles to help you with debt consolidation, student loans, retirement saving, mortgage lending and more.

Grasp is back!

GRASP is a correspondence program for students in Kindergarten through 8th grades which helps students maintain reading and math skills while they are on summer break.  Enrolled students will receive a packet of materials with a booklet containing nine lessons.  It should take your student approximately one hour to complete each weekly lesson.  They can complete one lesson a week or work at their own pace, as long as all lessons are submitted before August 8th.  The students can mail the lessons to GRASP for scoring and the results will be returned to them, via the email provided.  Or, new this year, lessons can be scored with a parent/guardian cell phone instead of mailing them in!  Details regarding this process will be sent in May to the email provided on the order.  There is also an online version of GRASP for students in 4th through 8th grade and these students will also receive results via the email provided.

Students who successfully complete and submit at least seven lessons with 70% accuracy are awarded a certificate.  Those who successfully complete and submit all nine lessons with 70% accuracy will receive a medal!  Certificates and medals will be distributed by your student’s school at the beginning of the next school year.  

Please order your student’s CURRENT grade level.  If there are extenuating circumstances, order the level that is appropriate for your student.  The fees for the summer of 2025 are $26 for one subject or $48 for both subjects for each student.  You can enroll your student for the book version (grades K-8) or the optional online version (grades 4-8) by completing the registration and payment online.  

PTO Updates

Upcoming event:

Funds for Friends!

Dine with us at The Score on January 14th!  10% of all sales between the hours of 5pm-10pm will be donated to the Valley View PTO!  

The Score
5301 Northland Drive, NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525

Secret Santa Shop Success!

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the PTO for organizing a wonderful and successful Secret Santa Shop! Your hard work, creativity, and dedication brought so much joy to our students, giving them a special opportunity to find thoughtful gifts for their loved ones. The smiles and excitement on their faces said it all! Thank you for making this holiday season even more magical for our school community.

Save the dates

PTO Meetings will all be at 7:00pm in the library on the following Wednesday dates:

January 15th 
February 12th
March 12th
April 16th
May 14th

PTO Website


Student Absences

Absences must be called into the office - 616.863.6366 or emailed to the front office - 

Please leave a message on our general voicemail box if you are calling after hours. Whether you are reporting an absence on our voicemail or speaking with Karen or Jamie we need to know the following things:

  • Student's name and teacher
  • Reason for absence - if it is an illness we need to know the symptoms of the illness - vomiting, coughing, fever, cold, diarrhea, lice - whatever the reason may be.
Label Everything

The winter weather is here, and students are dressing in layers, which means our lost and found will be growing. To avoid your students clothing from going into the lost and found PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING!!! Label all coats, boots, mittens, hats, etc. Labeling items will ensure they will back it back home!

book vending machine

Our book vending machine dates are set for the rest of the year!  Students can bring in two gently used books each month to earn a gold book coin.  Gold coins are used in the vending machine during book swaps.  Students can choose one book from the machine to take home and keep. Dates for the exchange are January 17th, February 21st, March 21, April 25, and May 16.  

Happy reading!!

Enrollment opens 2/13/25

Enrollment for the 2025/2026 school year opens February 13th.  Children who turn five years old on or before December 1, 2025 are eligible to enroll for the 2025/2026 school year.