Drop Off / Pick Up Procedures

Drop Off Procedures

Drop off is from 8:25-8:35 a.m.
Please do not park in the staff parking lot or on Lewis Street to drop off your student. Please use the designated drop-off line. The only exception is DK parents walking their student to the transfer bus. This will ensure all students arrive safely to school.


  • Drop-off begins at 8:25 a.m. and ends at 8:35 a.m. Please do not drop your student off earlier, as there will be no supervision.
  • After 8:35 a.m., students must be signed into school in the front office.
  • Walkers can be escorted to the front of the building or to the east doors (Door 3).
  • Students will enter the building and move to their lockers. A student may move to the cafeteria to get breakfast after dropping off their backpacks at the lockers.
  • DK families may walk their DK student to the Valley View transfer bus. Older siblings may also walk their younger sibling to the DK transfer bus.

Dropped off students:

  • Drop-off begins at 8:25 a.m. and ends at 8:35 a.m. Please do not drop your student off earlier, as there will be no supervision.
  • After 8:35 a.m., students must be signed into school in the front office.
  • Enter the parent drop-off line from Norwood Street. Do not use Sigsbee (law enforcement monitors this area).
  • Please move all the way forward until the car in front of you has stopped.
  • Students must be able to exit their vehicle without parent support. Paraprofessionals will be available to help in some instances. Parents must stay in their vehicles.
  • Please wait for the car ahead of you to move forward before exiting the drop-off zone. The drop-off zone is a no-passing zone.
  • Students will enter the building and move to their lockers. Students may move to the cafeteria to get breakfast after dropping off their backpacks at the lockers.
  • DK families may park and walk their DK student to the Valley View transfer bus. Older siblings may also walk their younger sibling to the DK transfer bus.

Bus Riders:

  • Students will remain on the bus until 8:25 a.m.
  • When released from the bus, students will enter the building and move to their lockers. Students may move to the cafeteria to get breakfast after dropping off their backpacks at the lockers.
  • DK families may park and walk their DK student to the Valley View transfer bus. Older siblings may also walk their younger sibling to the DK transfer bus.

Pick Up Procedures

Walkers/Parent Pick up

  • The Paraprofessionals will release walkers to their parents.
  • Walking parents will meet their students near door #3 (east doors) near parent pickup.
  • Students will begin to exit the building around 3:35 p.m.
  • Parents picking up students should proceed to door #3 (east doors) at the Parent Pick-up Line.
  • Show your pink pick-up placard before your student will be released to you. Additional copies can be provided by the office for caregivers, grandparents, etc.
  • Pick-up line closes at 3:45. All students must be picked up by this time.
  • Establish a consistent routine for your student to avoid last-minute changes to transportation.

Pick-up Etiquette

  • Be patient: There is a line and a process. Please wait patiently, knowing that everyone shares the goal of safely picking up their children.
  • Pull forward: Move as far forward as possible in the loop to allow traffic behind you to advance.
  • Stay attentive: Pay attention to your surroundings. Avoid using your phone or engaging in other distractions during dismissal.
  • Teach independence: Encourage your child to buckle and unbuckle themselves.
  • Stay in your car: Do not get out of your vehicle while in the pick-up line.