Counseling Office
Counseling Services
Academic Planning – choosing courses for next year, tracking graduation progress, four year planning and class selection, scheduling, credit recovery, dual enrollment, test prep information, study skills
Career and Educational Planning – college and the application process, financial aid and scholarships, career planning and exploration, military information, apprenticeship/trades information, sophomore meetings, junior interviews, senior audits
Personal/Social Issues – Coping strategies, resiliency, peer relationships, effective social skills, communication, problem-solving, decision-making, conflict resolution, anxiety, counseling referrals
How to Make an Appointment with Your Counselor
- Stop by the counseling office and make an appointment with the secretaries to see your counselor.
- Email/Schoology message your counselor to request an appointment or ask a question.
- You will receive a pass on the morning of the appointment. Present that to your teacher before leaving class for the counseling office. Upon your return, provide the teacher with the signed pass.
Confidentiality Disclosure
Confidentiality is kept with these exceptions:
- You tell me to tell someone.
- I believe you might be a danger to yourself or others (example: suicide ideation).
- I become aware of or suspect child abuse or neglect.
- I am ordered by the court to disclose information.
Grief Resources
- The Center for Prolonged Grief
- After Talk - This is an online grief support site offering inspirational stories, poems, quotes and forums about the grief process after the death of a loved one. Free and non denominational:
- Hospice Foundation of America
- Teens from Ele’s Place say what helps
- Fire in My Heart, Ice in My Veins Journal By Enid Samuel Traismen
- Healing Your Grieving Heart Journal for Teens By Alan D. Wolfelt
- Chill and Spill By Steffanie Lorig and Jeanean Jacobs
- Straight Talk About Death for Teenagers By Earl A. Grollman
Local Resources:
- Gilda’s Club - grief support groups
- Ele’s Place West Michigan - grief support groups
Michigan Pathfinder
Looking to explore in-demand careers and discover the degrees or credentials needed to pursue them? Use Pathfinder, Michigan’s online career exploration tool that uses current information related to employment and the workforce, as well as data about the relationship between education and training programs, to help you learn about career paths and jobs in the state.
9th Grade Couselor Caseloads
10th-12th Grade Couselor Caseloads
Mission & Vision
Mission Statement
The mission of the RPS 9-12 counseling department is to support all students by providing a comprehensive school counseling program which promotes equity, access and success. This program will assist students in achieving academic rigor and resiliency in becoming lifelong learners in an ever changing global society. Along with all stakeholders, it is our mission to support students in reaching their maximum potential of high academic achievement, social/emotional growth, and fulfill post secondary and career ready goals.
Vision Statement
The vision of our school counseling program is that all students will possess the knowledge and college and career readiness skills necessary to be productive and contributing members of our constantly changing global community. Students strive to be lifelong learners with a growth mindset as they respond to the needs of our evolving global economy and society. Our students will use strong resiliency skills and implement problem-solving and critical thinking as they work collaboratively with stakeholders, respecting diversity and equity for all.