As our school grows, so does our student involvement in clubs and sports activities. Student participation has grown at a rapid rate. Last year we had approximately 1000 students participating in the programs offered to our students. The activities are varied including academic competition as well as athletic. The clubs include many unique learning experiences.
Alternative Strings Advisor Mr. Pitcher Tuesdays in Room 152 2:45 |
Come join us as we learn to collaboratively arrange and perform music from a wide range of styles and genres! This club is open to anybody who already plays a bowed string instrument (orchestra students) or those who play a “rock band” instrument (guitar, bass, drums, piano).
Contact: |
Art Outreach Advisor: Mrs. Todd Mondays in Room 142 2:40 3:40 p.m. |
Art Outreach is a student led club focused on serving both our school and local community through art. The club is open to any student and offers volunteer opportunities, the ability to build
leadership skills, peer recognition, and the chance to connect with community members. Contact: for more information. |
Bass Fishing Club Advisor: Mr. Fredrickson 1st and 3rd Friday of month Room TBD 2:30-3:20 p.m. Note: Only offered in Spring |
Learn about new fishing techniques, gear to use, and the best local fishing spots. Fishing tournaments happen the weekends following the meeting. Contact: for more information. |
Chess Club Advisor: Kelly Gardner Tuesdays at 700 am Room 221 |
Come and hang out before school and have fun playing chess. This club is for beginners through super advanced. Tournaments will take place later in the year, there is room for everyone!
Contact: For more information |
Bible Study Advisor Mrs. Decker Wednesdays in Rams Den 7:00 a.m. |
Join us for snacks, hanging out with peers, and learning more about JESUS! Contact: for more information. |
Board Games Club Advisor Kyle Deboer Mondays in Room 122 2:35 p.m. |
Board Game Club is a casual place to hang out and play games. Come any Tuesday after school to learn new games and meet new people. No need to sign up and no experience needed. Contact |
Comedy Improv RFC Club Advisor Mr. Van Bragt Thursdays in RFC Room 103 2:40-3:40 p.m. |
Let your creativity flow while providing entertainment to both yourself and your audience. Contact: for more information. |
Digital Art Club Advisor Mrs. Burkholder Thursdays in Room 101 2:30 p.m. |
Come join us for Digital Art Club in a relaxed atmosphere where students can work independently or with friends to explore the Adobe Creative Suite! Photoshop, Light Room and Illustrator to name a few, and we also have beautiful Wacom tablets for those artists in the group!! Contact for more information. |
Drama Club RHS Advisor Mr. Leader Tuesdays in Room 150 2:45-3:45 p.m. |
Are you interested in acting? Stage Crew? Improvisation? Musical Theater? Drama Club is the club for you! ALL are welcome! Contact: for more information. |
Esports Labs 202 and 204 Advisor Steve Story |
Esports is designed to give you the opportunity to play video games both for fun and competitively. This is open as a drop in opportunity as well as a dedicated competitive team who wants to face off against others from around the country. Games include Valorant, Rocket League, Super Smash Bros., Overwatch, League of Legends, Fortnite, Starcraft 2, Fall Guys, and Minecraft. |
Green Club Advisor Mr. Karsies Thursdays in Room 247 2:35 p.m. |
The Green Team is an environmental club that focuses on the presentation and improvement of the native Michigan ecosystem. We do environmental projects that will benefit the ecosystem around our school. It is a great opportunity to learn about our environment and how to care for it. We have put in a native garden on campus, and plan to add more. We hope to continue growing and making our school greener. Anyone who is interested in environmental science and preservation is welcome to join. |
GSA Gender and Sexuality Alliance Advisor Mrs. Lacy Thursdays in Room 233 2:40 p.m. |
GSA strives to build a safe space for all students, encouraging open conversation about the LGBTQ+ community in Rockford. |
Interact Advisor Kelly Mclellan Thursdays in Ram’s Den 7:40 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. |
This is a group of active, friendly student volunteers with a goal to enhance and promote high school-based activities that encourage volunteering, philanthropy and leadership development. The active membership (between 50-70) continues to grow throughout the year and students get involved where they are needed. |
Model UN Advisor Mr. Tremlin Mondays in Room 214 2:45 p.m. |
Model U.N. is a simulation of the United Nations and its procedures for resolving global issues. Students will represent a country and act as a delegate on its behalf. As the ambassador of a nation, students will debate, negotiate, and compromise to reach sustainable solutions on current issues facing the world today. Discussion issues include global health, world conflict, and climate change. |
Quiz Bowl Advisor Miss Goering Fridays in RFC Room 109 2:45 p.m. |
Join the team and compete against other schools in trivia tournaments throughout the year! Contact: for more information. |
Robotics Team Advisor Mr. Feely M/T in Tech Hall 2:45 p.m. |
Design, innovate, build, and compete with an amazing group of peers! Contact: for more information. |
Student Council Advisor Mrs. Avram Wednesdays in TBD Lunches |
Welcome to Student Council. Our club works to recognize, respect, reward all groups of RHS. We want to make our school, sporting events, musicals, concerts, and everything else better for all students and encourage each other to be successful. Want to help decorate the school, paint windows, make signs, go to events, and work with a group of amazing students and adults. Contact: for more information. |
Student Newsletter Advisor Mrs. Decker Meetings every other week |
The Newsletter is a low-stress writing opportunity that is an excellent extra-curricular opportunity for students who enjoy writing and researching. Each student will contribute an article on a current event to the Newsletter every other week. Everything is done virtually via GroupMe or Google Docs so it is perfect for people who don’t have a lot of time for extracurriculars. |
Students Demand Action Advisor Mr. Hieshetter Wednesdays in Room 213 2:30 pm. |
Students Demand Action is a student lead activism group centered around ending gun violence. After a number of school shootings had occurred, students around the country realized that they would have to take action since their lawmakers wouldn’t. Students Demand Action was created after the Parkland shooting in Florida 2016 as an urgent attempt to stop it from happening again. Now, there are more than 600 groups across the United States with volunteers in every state. |
Women’s Awareness Club Advisor Mrs. Purvis Fridays in Room 2155 7:10 a.m. |
The RHS Women’s Awareness Club works to end the violence, oppression and sexual exploitation of women around the world. Our main goal is to spread awareness on topics such as: rape culture, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, and abusive relationships. Women’s Awareness works with multiple organizations including: the YWCA, Women at Risk (WAR), Safe Haven Ministries, Women HEAR for Women There, Chicago Books to Women in Prison, etc. All students are welcome to join!
Contact: for more information. |
Humane Society Club Advisor: Mrs. Carey Room 229 Every other Tuesday |
A club for animal lovers |
Future Healthcare and Engineer Professionals Advisor: Mr. Pilko Room 131 Thursdays after school |
A club for spreading information on professions in the healthcare and engineering industry. Thursdays after school. |